The Best Rates
We offer the best rates. You can get a quote by phone enquiry or online.
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Best Location
Prime location in Central. Located at World-wide House, above the Central MTR station.
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Excellent reputation
Excellent reputation and established for over 25 years.
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Since 1993
- 作為香港最主要的外幣找換公司之一,我們為您提供最方便和安全的兌換服務。不論是個人客戶,批發商,公司客戶或銀行,我們都可以為您服務。我們提供超過40國不同面額的貨幣。當您有任何問題時,我們的專業團隊可為你解答。作為金融機構之一,我們採取嚴謹的合規制度去維護本公司以至香港作為金融中心的信譽。我們的合規主任負責執行客戶盡職審查、找出任何有可疑的活動、保障所有客户遠離金融罪行以及向有關部門呈上任何有可疑交易。
- As one of the leading banknote suppliers, we always create a convenient and safe service to our clients including retails, wholesales, business accounts and banks in Hong Kong. We provide major and exotic currencies over 40 countries with different denominations. When you are hesitated and unsure what you need, our knowledgeable specialists will provide you with a personalised solution. As one of the financial institutions, We have a high standard towards our compliance to safeguard our company reputation as well as our financial environment. Our compliance officer is responsible for conducting customer due diligence, identifying suspicious activities, protecting our clients away from financial crimes and reporting any suspicious transactions to corresponding authorities.

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Please let us know when you have any questions. Our team will be more than happy to assist you.
地址 Address:
香港中環德輔道中19號環球商場1樓120鋪 (商場外行人天橋)
SHOP 120, 1/F, WORLD WIDE PLAZA, 19 DES VEOUX ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG (Outside of The Shopping Arcade, On the Footbridge)
香港中環德輔道中19號環球商場1樓120鋪 (商場外行人天橋)
SHOP 120, 1/F, WORLD WIDE PLAZA, 19 DES VEOUX ROAD, CENTRAL, HONG KONG (Outside of The Shopping Arcade, On the Footbridge)
電話查詢 Phone Enquiry: 2810 1816